Thursday, February 21, 2019

We ignore the present political situation at our peril

The U.S. is in the middle of a cyber warfare which seeks to deepen the polarization of political ideologies. The tools are social media, frameworks of disinformation which embolden a wilful ignorance meant to enable and empower bad actors such as Donald Trump and domestic terrorist groups. You might say that a type of civil war is being prosecuted on the United States by groups such as the white nationalist, white supremacist, kkk, the arian nation, neo-nazi's, neo-fascist, and other domestic terrorist groups identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center and certain constituencies of the NRA.  We ignore these matters at our peril.  There are monied interests which support these domestic terrorist groups.  Monied Interests, including their allie Russia, which may not like a multicultural, multi-racial multi-ethnic dynamic country. We can only ignore this reality for so long.  The sooner we acknowledge this reality the sooner we can stand against it.  I write this post not as a means to trigger or scare, but to acknowledge what is happening right now.

Of course as a person of faith I live each day knowing that God is still in control.  This belief may really be tested in the coming days.

Much prayer is needed